The Haunting in Connecticut is a horror movie directed by Peter Cornwall. It is based on a supposedly true story. The movie follows a fictional family called the Campbells as they move into a house( which was formerly a mortuary)in order to be closer to where their teenage son receives cancer treatments. The family soon becomes haunted by violent events from supernatural forces occupying the house. This movie had me hiding behind my pillow in fear. Some scenes were quite thrilling although I am a big fan of horror movies and the storyline as well as the effects had my eyes glued to the screen.
The Haunting in Connecticut was a moderately successful film at the box office making around $77 million. The ‘Haunted House’ movie in particular has been done to death but having said that, the movie did not fail to scare. The actors, sound effects and freaky make up maintained a consistent level of chills throughout the movie.
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